Thursday, 19 January 2017


Creative teaching methods are critical for the effectiveness of any education professional.  Creativity has become one of the central key components in the education of young minds throughout the world. With the enhancing development on educational concepts, creativity has formed multiple mediums that can now be used to expand how children learn. In this blog I will present and discuss a variety of creative concepts that are used within 21st century educational contexts, and also explain how pupils may benefit from these. I have chosen concepts that heighten children's motivation to learn, promote creativity and develop their imaginations.The chosen concepts will include a variety of mediums as references to present the importance of creativity. The chosen concepts will be outdoor play, creative play, Mantle of the Expert and The Leonardo Effect; where I will link scientific play and enquiry based approaches.

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The Leonardo Effect

The Leonardo Effect is a completely unique concept that allows us to bridge scientific and artistic skill together. The concept looks beyond the numeracy and literacy that dominates education, and focuses on creativity in all it's form. According to Robson (2012) children 'have inherent skills conducive to learning and active attitudes towards discovering how their world works' (p.8). There should be a freedom within our education to explore and investigate our own learning through any medium we wish to learn through, but there has always been a struggle to develop this expression in 21st century education. Schools who allow this approach find that it 'allows children's creative abilities to develop' (p.9) whilst also enhancing their knowledge of literacy and numeracy.
Louis & Kelly (2013) state that children do not 'compartmentalize learning' (p.102) and explain that the education system does this for them. Schools separate the arts and science when this need not be the case.

Fibonacci Spiral; I have witnessed the above video in classrooms, it is an example of how the sequencing of art and science are natural and exhibits in the world around us.

I believe that both art and science offer inquiry based approaches far more than any other subjects offered, you are able to independently form your own ideas from using chosen mediums and seeking out individual answers. On a recent school trip, I visited The Glynn Vivian Art Gallery located in Swansea, South Wales to visit the 'Leonardo da Vinci' showcase. The class, who are currently learning about Italy, were able to visit the gallery and see the 'extraordinary scope of the artist's interests'. We were able to read his vast range of work which covered topics such as engineering helicopters, zoology, botany, anatomy and mapmaking all used through the mediums of expression such as watercolours, sculptures, black and red chalks and also pen and ink.




The children commented on how the drawings were so well done and informative, we then proceeded to expand upon this visit back at school where the children chose anything they wanted to speak about to the class that needed to be created in a medium of their own choosing. Allowing children to guide their own enquiry such as this engages 'the range of aptitudes' that are found in children, blending education into creative and a productive learning experience (Robson 2012).
With all the available resources in todays society, it is easy to incorporate both into lessons to allow the learner to find 'their element' as Ken Robinson (2009 cited Sahlberg 2015) explains that we each carry a unique pattern of aptitudes and interests and cannot equip ourselves to find our element if we are not subject to all mediums and experiences.

In 21st century education the needs for newer concepts such as the Leonardo Effect and enquiry based approaches are heightened. Considering the resources available it is integral that education keeps transforming and is centred around the best conditions for young people to become 'engaged learners, fulfilled individuals, and compassionate, productive citizens.' (Robinson 2009 cited Sahlberg 2015 p.206)

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Outdoor Play

Outdoor play has long been considered critical to the development, growth and well being of young children. Aside from the obvious health benefits, outdoor play offers children to engage in exploratory learning and allows teachers to engage in observation theory (Isaacs cited Moyles 2014). Durant (2012) describes outdoor play as vital because it 'enables children to become independent learners' and it engages children in the enjoyment of learning. Outdoor play also presents opportunities for using equipment and resources that could not be used within a classroom (gymnasium, climbing gear, larger provisions).
In the 21st century, there are health concerns of children's weight increasing due to the advancement of technology which does not allow for much physical activity. Therefor enabling more outdoor physical activity within the curriculum provides numerous health benefits to each child.

The above short video shows an example of outdoor play taking place within a curriculum in a school in America. The leading educator annotates that they spend a four hour period each week in a outdoor environment where they 'do learn' as there are multiple stimuli to engage with. In the video you are presented with footage of children using their creativity and imagination to offer further stimulation into the objects around them. Some children play with sticks as though they are swords, whilst other form structures of mounted rocks and pebbles. Wellhousen (2002) states the importance of 'fresh air, large motor play, and exploring natural environments' in young children's education (p.x). 

Froebels Kindergarten Curriculum is a planned and specific programme in which the teacher nurture the childs development. Froebel (cited Willhousen 2002) believed that philosophy should be applied to both indoor and outdoor activity, and that children will learn best through natural and playful endeavours. One example of this, Frobel gave each child a designated pot to grow a garden, which meant the dealing and planting of seeds. When the seeds sprouted, the children cared for the seedlings. This activity instilled responsibility for living things on the children whilst also teaching them about the scientific principles of nature (Brosterman 1997 cited Wellhousen 2002). 
I have witnessed outdoor play being carried out in a similar manner via a local school that supports individuals with physical impairments. It is difficult to find appropriate outdoor learning environments for particular classes due to environments being less mobility friendly, therefor the school created their own space and began to 'grow' and expand their garden. The children were responsible for using their imaginations in the planning process, for painting and decorating the space and also for growing plants.  This allows a space for where children can develop confidence and 'their own sense of identity' (Casey 2007 p.7) which can provide opportunities for them to personalise their own space and obtain some independence that they struggle with due to disabilities. Lots of the children struggle 'with rejection or acceptance of aspects of culture and tradition around them' (p.9) due to their disabilities, therefor providing an outdoor space where they are able t lead their own learning is vital to their emotional development as well as their education.

above; Photograph taken of the greenhouse at further end of school ground. The children are currently growing many seedlings.

above; an example of how the children are incorporating their own decorations made from outside resources into the classroom.

As you can see, the children are engaging not necessarily in 'play' but in learning, they are able to go outside throughout several lessons each day providing there are an appropriate number of SEN teaching assistants available for safety. But the class is guided through their learning, which allows them to perform Enquiry-Based Learning both inside and outside the curriculum. 

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Creative Play

Play is a most natural state for young children, children engage in play almost from the moment of birth (Wilson 2012). Children are naturally inclined to play with their hands, play with sounds, play any way they know how although play for children can differ from what adults perceive as play. Play is required by young children to ‘reach their full potential’ (Stephens 2009 cited Wilson 2012 p.14)

Children exhibit cognitive and physical abilities through their play vital for people in the 21st century. 

In the above video, the children are doing the following:
  • Making choices (choosing who and what to interact with)
  • pursuing their own interests (each child is pursuing the cardboard box differently e.g. a drum, a building)
  • exhibiting intrinsic motivation and persistence (the child taking a longer time to create a fortress) 
  • using their imagination and developing ideas (by placing different colour plastic sheets over projector)
  • showing independence in thought and actions (some used the boxes to play together, others alone)
Although these actions can benefit young children within the modern day curriculum, the educationists featured in the video explain that although creative play is extremely beneficial, it should be carried out as part of the curriculum and not established as the entire curriculum. Ken Robinson (2012) suggests that creativity should be subjected to pupils throughout their education in order to become 'creative and innovative' individuals. He also states that education holds the key to producing 'fulfilled' individuals with 'purposeful' lives, describing the benefits of a creative curriculum to be person and aid our well being as well as our learning. 
See the full clip below;

As the Action Alliance for Children (2007 cited ????) state 'Play is not a break from the curriculum; play is the best way to implement the curriculum' (p.6). The knowledge facilitated through multiple mediums can help children retain learnt information, these methods aid a successful education. We know that information comes to the brain from our five senses, therefor it is taken on board 'visually, auditory or kinaesthetically' (Anning cited Moyles 2010 p.26). For children, these sensory experiences are strong and powerful.
Vygotskys theory, Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) supports the concept of creative play.  Vygotsky believes that learning creates a zone of proximal development; that is 'learning awakens a variety of internal developmental processes that are able to operate only when the child is interacting with his peers and environment' (1978 cited Lang 2010 p.9). Vygotsky believed that imaginary and creative play, especially play with peers, shape how children make sense of their worlds, how they develop social and thinking skills. In terms of the ZPD, Vygotsky determines creativity as a transformative activity 'where emotion, meaning and cognitive symbols are synthesised.' (Lang 2010 p.12)

Http://Www.Innovativelearning.Com/Educational_Psychology/Development/Zone-Of-Proximal-Development.Html. 2017. Print.

Creative play can be witnessed in 21st century educational contexts in a variety of ways. I have witnessed the benefits of creative approaches within the curriculum to engage pupils in their learning, particularly whilst working in SEN classrooms. The pupils are offered much visual stimuli and are enabled to work independently and in a group with new materials.

Mantle of the Expert

Mantle of the Expert (MoE) is an approach by Dorothy Heathcote, based on the premise of treating children as experts in order to increase their confidence and engagement. The concept allows children to learn proactively together whilst encouraging creativity, teamwork, communication skills, critical thought and decision-making (Farmer 2012). The concept can be used in a singular role within a drama session, for example, but is most effective when used as a group activity. According to Aitken (n/a), teachers using MoE have different strengths depending on their prior teaching experience, this reflects heavily on how this concept relates to pupils within modern education.  

In the above video, the class have adopted the MoE framework for a session placing them into the roles of veterinarians. In the video, the children communicate together and use experiential learning to help them assume the responsibilities of a veterinarian. At 2:20, pupils list the animals needs such as “give him water’. As mentioned, using the MoE approach validates ‘prior learning and enable it to be applied in new contexts’ (Baldwin 2012 p.123) and as seen in the video, pupils who have experience of veterinary surgeries, animals or illness are able to provide a shared context with their partners who are able to modify and develop their learning independently. Vygotsky (1978 cited Cremin & Arthur 2014) identifies the importance of childrens development through role play,  it allows children to immerse themselves in problem solving within every day life.

Diagram 2.1 The three dimensions of Mantle of the Expert (Taylor, 2011 cited Collins 2013)

Allowing children to adopt the responsibility of a professional is allowing them to learn in a similar way to how adults learn in everyday contexts, enabling them to draw on and extend their existing expertise (Jesson 2012). The diagram below demonstrates the ‘three dimensions of MoE’, whilst incorporating drama through role play into the learning sequence, the children begin to link each stage together. Children are able to connect their experiential learning to the context at hand, and pursue a route of enquiry and apply their learning to future contexts (Wilhelm 2002)


Adobe (2012) Why is creativity important in education? Sir Ken Robinson video series from adobe education. Available at: (Accessed: 11 January 2017).
(Adobe, 2012)
Aitken, V. (no date) Dorothy heathcote’s mantle of the expert approach to teaching and Learning: a Brief introduction. .
(Aitken, no date, pp. 35–36)
Arthur, J. and Cremin, T. (2010) Learning to teach in the primary school. Edited by Professor James Arthur and Teresa Cremin. 2nd edn. London: Taylor & Francis.
(Arthur and Cremin, 2010, pp. 135–136)
Baldwin, P. (2012) With drama in mind: Real learning in imagined worlds. 2nd edn. London: Continuum International Publishing Group.
(Baldwin, 2012, pp. 123–124)
Casey, T. (2007) Environments for outdoor play: A practical guide to making space for children. London: Sage Publications Ltd, United Kingdom.
(Casey, 2007, pp. 6–7)
Durant, S. (2012) Outdoor Play: Play in the EYFS. Andrews UK Limited.
(Durant, 2012, pp. 3–9)
Elizabeth Collins, H. (2013) An evaluation of the impact of ‘Mantle of the Expert’ on children’s writing: How does ‘Mantle of the Expert’ impact on children’s engagement with, attitude to and attainment in writing? .
(Elizabeth Collins, 2013, pp. 18–20)
Fibonacci Sequence in Nature (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 14 January 2017).
(Fibonacci Sequence in Nature, no date)
Jesson, J. (2012) Developing creativity in the primary school. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill/Open University Press.
(Jesson, 2012, pp. 136–138)
Lang, P. (2010) Vygotsky and Creativity. Edited by M. Cathrene Connery, Ana Marjanovic-Shane, and Vera P. John-Steiner. 1st edn. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
(Lang, 2010, pp. 12–13)
Leonardo da Vinci (2016) Available at: (Accessed: 14 January 2017).
(Leonardo da Vinci, 2016)
LEONARDO DA VINCI WORKPIECE, GLYNN VIVIAN, SWANSEA (no date) Available at: http://Www.Innovativelearning.Com/Educational_Psychology/Development/Zone-Of-Proximal-Development.Html.2017. Print (Accessed: 14 January 2017).
Leslee Allen (2016) Mantle of the expert at Kaurihohore school. Available at: (Accessed: 12 January 2017).
(Leslee Allen, 2016)
Lois, K. and Stead, D. (2013) Enhancing primary science developing effective cross-curricular links. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education.
(Lois and Stead, 2013)
Moyles, J. (2014) The excellence of play. Maidenhead, United Kingdom: Open University Press.
(Moyles, 2014, pp. 6–26)
Robson, D. (2012) The Leonardo effect: Motivating children to achieve through Interdisciplinary learning. Edited by Ivor Hickey. London: Taylor & Francis.
(Robson, 2012)
Surrey County Council (2015) Creative play. Available at: (Accessed: 12 January 2017).
(Surrey County Council, 2015)
Wellhousen, K. and Wortham, S.C. (2002) Outdoor play, every day: Innovative play concepts for early childhood. Albany, NY: Delmar/Thomson Learning.
(Wellhousen and Wortham, 2002, pp. x–8)
Wilson, R.A. (2012) Nature and young children: Encouraging creative play and learning in natural environments. 2nd edn. London: Routledge.
(Wilson, 2012, pp. 1–3)
WNYC (2016) One school’s experiment with outdoor play. Available at: (Accessed: 12 January 2017).
(WNYC, 2016)